

Machine Learning Professional Series – Gaussian Processes and Machine Learning Reading Notes

Summary A Gaussian Process (GP) is a nonparametric regression and classification method based on probability th...
Symbolic Logic

From Inductive logic Programming 2012 Proceedings

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

ISWC2020 papers

ISWC2020 papers From ISWC2020, an international conference on Semantic Web technology, one of the artificial i...
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Quasi-experimental design – how to derive causal relationships from observed data

How to verify causality for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks by first having the data for causal inference and then verifying causality from there.

Protected: React Practice Starting with Modern Javascript Basics – What is Modern Javascript ?

Modern Javascript fundamentals for React practices used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks virtual DOM, package manager, ES2015 and later, modular handlers, transpilers, SPA
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Correlation, Causation and Relational Structure (2) Backdoor Criteria

Actual backdoor criteria for narrowing down variables to observe intervention effects in causal inference for digital transformation , artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Discrepancy between correlation (regression coefficient) and causation (intervention effect)

Differences between regression coefficients and intervention effect values for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Submodular Optimization and Machine Learning

Overview of Machine Learning with Submodular Optimization Submodular functions are a concept corresponding to c...
Symbolic Logic

Machine Learning Professional Series “Submodular Optimization and Machine Learning” reading notes

  Machine Learning Professional Series "Submodular Optimization and Machine Learning" reading notes Submodular f...
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Collecting AI Conference Papers

  Collecting AI Conference Papers The overall picture of the AI conference is as follows. AI-related con...