

Protected: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (14)Model Independent Interpretation (Scoped Rules (Anchors))

Model-independent interpretation with Anchor as explainable machine learning leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learningtasks Python, anchor, Alibi, Java, Anchors, BatchSAR, tabular data, Multi-Armed Bandit, KL-LUCB, reinforcement learning, graph search algorithms, LIME

Protected: Applying Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Applying Deep Learning to Strategy:Advanced Actor Critic (A2C)

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Implementation of Advanced Actor Critic (A2C) applying deep learning to strategies (Policy Gradient method, Q-learning, Gumbel Max Trix, A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic))

Protected: Implementation of recommendation algorithm using Clojure/Mahout

Implementation of recommendation algorithms using Clojure/Mahout for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks information retrieval statistics, precision, recall, DCG, IDCG, Ideal Discounted Cumulative Gain, Discounted Cumulative Gain, Discounted Cumulative Gain, fall-out, F-measure, harmonic mean, RMSE, k-nearest neighbor method, Pearson correlation, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation similarity, similarity measure Jaccard distance, Euclidean distance, cosine distance, pairwise differences, item-based, user-based
組織活性化:revitalize an organization

Systems Thinking Approach and the SDGs

Systems thinking approaches and SDGs that are useful in examining the challenges of tasks such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation leverage points, system dynamics modeling, stock & flow, system archetypes, loop diagrams, CLD, time-series change pattern graphs, BOT

Houjouki” Question the value of abundance.

Summary The Hojoki is a Japanese essay written in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) by the Zen priest Kamo Chōmei. T...
web技術:web technology

Overview of Container Technology and Docker for Cloud Native

Overview of container technologies that enable cloud-native utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and Docker container images, build/push functionality, cri-o, container execution, Kubernetes, the containerd, CRI-Containerd, low-level container runtime, high-level container runtime, kernel functionality, Open Container Initiative, OCI, Runtime Specification, Format Specification, Copy-on-Write, COW, cgroups, hierarchies, file systems, namespaces, virtual OS, Paas, Linux
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Operating system e.g. Linux

Operating system e.g. Linux An operating system is a type of software that manages the entire system, imple...
web技術:web technology

Cloud Computing Technology

Cloud Computing Technology Cloud computing will be a service that provides computing resources using multip...

The computing elements and semiconductor chips that make up a computer

Computational elements and semiconductor chips that make up computers utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (switching, MOSFETs, disjunction, conjunction, negation, silicon, statistical physics, dopants, periodic table, binary operations, Boolean algebra, bits, bytes)

Protected: Optimal arm identification and A/B testing in the bandit problem_1

Optimal arm identification and A/B testing in bandit problems for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Heffding's inequality, optimal arm identification, sample complexity, sample complexity, riglet minimization, cumulative riglet minimization, cumulative reward maximization, ε-optimal arm identification, simple riglet minimization, ε-best arm identification, KL-UCB strategy, KL divergence) cumulative reward maximization, ε-optimal arm identification, simple liglet minimization, ε-best arm identification, KL-UCB strategy, KL divergence, A/B testing of the normal distribution, fixed confidence, fixed confidence