人工知能:Artificial Intelligence


Network analysis using Clojure (1) Width-first/depth-first search, shortest path search, minimum spanning tree, subgraphs and connected components

Network analysis using Clojure/loop for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, width-first/depth-first search, shortest path search, minimum spanning tree, subgraph and connected components
Symbolic Logic

Integration of logic and rules with probability/machine learning

Integration of logic and rules with machine learning (inductive logic programming, statistical relational learning, knowledge-based model building, Bayesian nets, probabilistic logic learning, hidden Markov models) used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.

Fundamentals of Continuous Optimization – Calculus and Linear Algebra

Fundamentals of Continuous Optimization - Calculus and Linear Algebra (Taylor's theorem, Hesse matrix, Landau's symbol, Lipschitz continuity, Lipschitz constant, implicit function theorem, Jacobi matrix, diagonal matrix, eigenvalues, nonnegative definite matrix, positive definite matrix, subspace, projection, 1-rank update, natural gradient method, quasi Newton method, Sherman-Morrison formula, norm, Euclidean norm, p-norm, Schwartz inequality, Helder inequality, function on matrix space)

Protected: Calculation of marginal likelihood, posterior mean, posterior covariance, and predictive distribution using variational Bayesian methods

Methods for computing marginal likelihoods, posterior means, posterior covariances, and predictive distributions in variational Bayesian methods for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks James Stein estimator, maximum likelihood estimation, empirical Bayes estimator, Bayesian free energy, hyperparameters, automatic relevance determination, linear regression models, stochastic complexity, log marginal likelihood empirical Bayesian learning, multinomial distribution models, posterior means, linear regression models

Protected: Structural learning of graphical models

On learning graph structures from data in Bayesian networks and Markov probability fields (Max-Min Hill Climbing (MMHC), Chow-Liu's algorithm, maximizing the score function, PC (Peter Spirtes and Clark Clymoir) Algorithm, GS (Grow-Shrink) algorithm, SGS (Spietes Glymour and Scheines) algorithm, sparse regularization, independence condition)

Protected: Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes – Normalized gamma processes, Dirichlet processes and complete random measures

Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks - Normalized gamma and Dirichlet processes and complete random measures Poisson processes, Livy measures, gamma random measures, beta random measures, Levy-Ito decomposition

Protected: Calculation method for Gaussian processes based on a lattice arrangement of auxiliary points

Gaussian process method calculations based on lattice-like auxiliary point arrangements in Gaussian process models Kronecker method, Teblitz method, local kernel interpolation, KISS-GP method, an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning

State Space Model with Clojure: Implementation of Kalman Filter

State space models using Clojure for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks: implementation of Kalman filter

Protected: Analysis of time series data using Clojure

Analysis of time series data such as AR, MA, ARMA, etc. using Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence machine learning tasks ACF, PACF, Partial Autocorrelation, Durbin-Levinson algorithm, autocovariance, moving average models, autocorrelation models, hybrid, random walk, discrete-time models

Analysis in R and Clojure using Stan for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) models

Implementation using R and Clojure of Stan, a computational tool using MCMC for Bayesian estimation used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.