人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Location Privacy -k-anonymization and anonymization with hidden Markov models

Information anonymization using k-anonymization and hidden Markov models (HMMs) for location privacy to be used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Geospatial Information in Motion -Simulation and data assimilation

Simulation for human flow analysis for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks and assimilation of real data with probability generation models
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Individuality and parameter estimation (Interpreting the Hierarchical Bayesian Model)

Relationship between global parameter estimation and local parameters (e.g., individual differences) for understanding hierarchical Bayesian models.

Protected: Capturing the Flu Epidemic on Social Media

Extraction of context (e.g., location information) from text information in social media for digital trasformation and artificial intelligence tasks (location information extraction from content using probabilistic framework and graph approach)

LISP and Artificial Intelligence

About LISP, a functional language that eliminates the barrier between data and programs (program as data) used for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks

The Seasoned Schemer

A sequel to the textbook on functional languages with Schema, a derivative of LISP used for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

The Reasoned Schemer

Logic Programming with Schema, a Derivative of LISP Used for Artificial Intelligence (Tasks): An Overview of DSL:minikanren

The Little Schemer

A textbook on functional languages in Schema, a derivative of LISP used for AI tasks (recursion and anonymous functions, lambda functions, Y-combinators and a simple interpreter).

Protected: Introduction to programming in the Python language (2) Characteristics of the Python language

Table of contents for the MIT Python textbook and features of the Python language used for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

The Art of Prolog

A reference book on Prolog, a logic programming language with deep connections to artificial intelligence research and computational linguistics.