Protected: Leveraging Apache Spark for Distributed Data Processing – Developing and Executing Applications
Leveraging Apache Spark to enable distributed data processing for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks -Application development and execution (forced termination, yarn-client mode, yarn-cluster mode, YARN, and YARN) management commands, cluster, python, Clojure, Shell, AWS, Glue, sparkplug, spark-shell, spark-submit, Nodemanager, HDFS, Spark applications, Scala, sbt, plugin.sbt, build.sbt build.sbt, build, sbt-assembly plugin, JAR file)
IOT技術:IOT TechnologyStream Data Processingweb技術:web technologyアーキテクチャデータベース技術:DataBase Technologyネットワーク技術ハードウェアマルチエージェントシステム時系列データ解析機械学習:Machine Learning