データベース技術:DataBase Technology


State management and loosely coupled functions in Clojure

Overview of Clojure State Management and Su Binding for Beginner Education

Web server and DB integration(3)DB connection and control

DB implementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, setting up and integration of posgresql
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Databases Technology

Overview of database technology, CRUD (Create (add new data) - Read (reference data) - Update (update data) - Delete (delete data)), ACID (Atom (atomicity), Consistent (integrity), Isolated (isolation), Durable (Atom), Consistency, Isolated, Durable), CAP (Consistency, Availability, Partition-Tolerance)
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: RDBMS and SQL (about SQL)

An overview of relational databases and the SQL language

Web server and DB integration(4) Connect the WEb server to the DB

ImImplementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, server and DB integration, server application

DB access companion format function

About the format function used for DB access in Clojure

Protected: DataBase Algorithms(1)Consistency

Algorithmic fundamentals of databases, data structures and consistency and backups, two-phase commit and atomicity, rollback, transactions

Protected: DataBase Algorithms(2)relational database

Basics of database algorithms, relational database principles and SQL, primary keys and queries