仏教:Buddhism Simulation hypotheses and classical and non-classical logic simulation hypothesis In THE UNIVERSE IN A BOX, the 'simulation hypothesis' describes the possibility that ever... 2024.07.27 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy神道禅:Zen
哲学:philosophy Alan’s theory of happiness and Zen awareness Alan's Theory of Happiness 'Alain' is the pen name of the French philosopher Emile-Auguste Chartier (1868 - 195... 2024.06.22 哲学:philosophy禅:Zen読書
仏教:Buddhism Human creativity and AI symbiosis – unconsciousness and priming Unconsciousness and memory Two systems can be envisaged in our minds, one being a quick, automatic, unintentiona... 2024.06.15 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy禅:Zen
哲学:philosophy Pragmatism and the Knowledge Graph Pragmatism Pragmatism is a word derived from the Greek word 'pragma' meaning 'action' or 'practice', and re... 2024.06.08 哲学:philosophy
仏教:Buddhism Human creativity and AI symbiosis – unconscious and memory Behavioural economics and human thought systems "The economy is driven by 'emotions'" describes behavioural econ... 2024.05.25 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy禅:Zen
アルゴリズム:Algorithms Deconstruction and graph neural networks History of philosophy and pattern recognition in artificial intelligence technology In the introduction... 2024.05.18 アルゴリズム:Algorithmsグラフ理論セマンテックウェブ技術:Semantic web Technologyマルチエージェントシステム仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy機械学習:Machine Learning深層学習:Deep Learning
プロジェクト管理 Overview of Notion and its use in projects Overview of Notion Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that integrates documents, task management, ... 2024.05.06 プロジェクト管理課題解決:Problem solving
アート:Art What is beauty in language? Introduction As described in "The Beauty of Fluctuation - Japanese Painting and Japanese Calligraphy" while West... 2024.05.04 アート:Art哲学:philosophy
古典 Yosa Buson, Tsurezuregusa and The Pillow Book Yosa Buson and Shunkeikosho In the haiku by Yosa Buson, described in "Reading Haiku from the Perspecti... 2024.04.27 古典歴史読書
ICT技術:ICT Technology Philosophy, Social Movement and IT Philosophy and Social Movements Philosophy is an approach of deep contemplation and theoretical reflection ... 2024.04.20 ICT技術:ICT Technology人工知能:Artificial Intelligence哲学:philosophy