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Protected: From the Special Lecture “Socrates’ Defense,” “Starting Points in Philosophy.”

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Protected: What is Philosophy from the Special Lecture “Socrates’ Defense”

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Philosophy and related topics

Philosophy Philosophy, which has developed over many cultures and eras from ancient Greece and other ancient...

Special Lecture on “What is Philosophy Aimed at?” from “The Apologetics of Socrates

  Summary Philosophy can be defined as a means to pursue the essence and truth of things, to think deeply abo...
ICT技術:ICT Technology

The “Kaisha Shikiho: Industry Map” source of information on issues in DX and an example of business analysis in the manufacturing industry.

A source of information on issues in DX used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks "Company Quarterly: Industry Map" and examples of business analysis in the manufacturing industry prototyping, workflow analysis, business issue analysis, manufacturing, KPI, KGI, OKR, KJ method, Porter s Five Competitive Analysis, PEST method, SWOT analysis
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Automata and state transitions/Petri nets, automatic planning and counting problems

Automata and state transitions/petri nets and automatic planning utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks digital game AI, spatial and temporal awareness, autonomous agents, C4, hierarchical FSM, reflective AI, FSM, GA, behavior trees, Distributed systems, communication protocols, database transactions, parallel systems, workflow models, business process models, digital circuits, programming languages, natural language processing, Turing machines, pushdown automata, Moore-type, Mealy-type, deterministic FSM, DFSM, deterministic finite automata, nondeterministic finite automata, DFA, NFA

Writing papers/reports

Writing papers/reports There are many steps involved in writing a paper or report, i...
課題解決:Problem solving

How to write papers and proposals based on paragraph writing and issue analysis

How to write a thesis or proposal based on paragraph writing and issue analysis (scientific thinking, argumentation, PowerPoint, proposal, topic sentence, paragraph, outline, correlation, rhizome, sequential, inverse tree structure, problem statement, conclusion, argumentation, reporting type, argumentation type, thesis issue, KPI, KGI, OKR, PDCA, systems thinking approach, Kazuhisa Todayama, making thesis)
組織活性化:revitalize an organization

Systems Thinking Approach and the SDGs

Systems thinking approaches and SDGs that are useful in examining the challenges of tasks such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation leverage points, system dynamics modeling, stock & flow, system archetypes, loop diagrams, CLD, time-series change pattern graphs, BOT
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Theory, Mathematics and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Technology

Theory and basic algorithms of artificial intelligence techniques (metaheuristics, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, sphere theory, logic, mathematics) used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.