神道 Kanna-tsuki, Kamiari-tsuki and Japanese Gods Kami-no-Month, Kami-Yu-Month and the Japanese Gods The lunar calendar month of October, from late October to earl... 2024.10.27 神道
アート:Art History of music and music of the West and East History of music Music is thought to have originated in antiquity as a means of communication, used to imitate ... 2024.10.13 アート:Artキリスト教仏教:Buddhism心理学:psychology歴史音楽:Music
python Sound, rhythm, melody and UX Rhythm and melody and the autonomic nervous system As discussed in ‘Emotions, the autonomic nervous system an... 2024.10.06 pythonアルゴリズム:Algorithmsユーザーインターフェース/データビジュアライゼーション心理学:psychology深層学習:Deep Learning音声信号認識技術音楽:Music
アルゴリズム:Algorithms Algorithmic thinking, problem partitioning and problem solving algorithmic thinking Algorithmic Thinking refers to the ability or process of thinking about logical proce... 2024.09.28 アルゴリズム:Algorithms課題解決:Problem solving
人工知能:Artificial Intelligence Emotions, the autonomic nervous system and the ‘regulating’ effect Emotions and the autonomic nervous system The topic of how to deal with emotions (vexations) is an important elem... 2024.09.21 人工知能:Artificial Intelligence化学哲学:philosophy心理学:psychology生物禅:Zen
アート:Art The Tale of Genji Picture Scrolls and UX Design Tips Tale of the Genji The Tale of Genji Emaki (Genji Emaki) is a Japanese picture scroll depicting the Tale of Genji... 2024.09.01 アート:Artユーザーインターフェース/データビジュアライゼーション古典歴史
キリスト教 Public and Private – The Difficulty of Defining Public Public and Private Ryotaro Shiba's "Kaido yuku Taiwan Kikki" describes the bumpy sidewalks in Taipei as a result ... 2024.08.25 キリスト教哲学:philosophy歴史読書
スポーツ:Sports Breathing (Zen and its relationship to cognitive activity and sport). Introduction Breathing is the only organ in the internal organs that can be consciously changed, and various phra... 2024.08.03 スポーツ:Sports禅:Zen
仏教:Buddhism Simulation hypotheses and classical and non-classical logic simulation hypothesis In THE UNIVERSE IN A BOX, the 'simulation hypothesis' describes the possibility that ever... 2024.07.27 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy神道禅:Zen
哲学:philosophy Alan’s theory of happiness and Zen awareness Alan's Theory of Happiness 'Alain' is the pen name of the French philosopher Emile-Auguste Chartier (1868 - 195... 2024.06.22 哲学:philosophy禅:Zen読書