

Protected: Approximate computation of various models in machine learning by Bayesian inference

Approximate computation of various models in machine learning using Bayesian inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (structured variational inference, variational inference algorithms, mixture models, conjugate prior, KL divergence, ELBO, evidence lower bound, collapsed Gibbs sampling, blocking Gibbs sampling, approximate inference)

Protected: Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Value Function Approximation, which implements value evaluation as a function with parameters.

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning used for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Examples of implementing value evaluation with functions with parameters (CartPole, Q-table, TD error, parameter update, Q-Learning, MLPRegressor, Python)

Protected: Network Analysis Using Clojure (2)Computing Triangles in a Graph Using Glittering

Network analysis using triangle computation in graphs using Clojure/Glittering for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (GraphX, Pregel API, Twitter dataset, custom triangle count algorithm, message send function, message merge function, outer join, RDD, vertex attributes, Apache Spark, Sparkling, MLlib, Glittering, triangle counting, edge-cut strategy, random-vertex-cut strategy, and social networks, graph parallel computing functions, Hadoop, data parallel systems, RDG, Resilient Distributed Graph, Hama, Giraph)

Overview of meta-heuristics and reference books

  Overviews Meta-heuristics can be algorithms used to solve optimization problems. An optimization problem is on...

Protected: Big Data and Bayesian Learning – The Importance of Small Data Learning

Big Data and Bayesian Learning for Digital Transformation (DX), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) Tasks - Importance of Small Data Learning

Geometric approach to data

Geometric approaches to data utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (physics, quantum information, online prediction, Bregman divergence, Fisher information matrix, Bethe free energy function, the Gaussian graphical models, semi-positive definite programming problems, positive definite symmetric matrices, probability distributions, dual problems, topological, soft geometry, topology, quantum information geometry, Wasserstein geometry, Lupiner geometry, statistical geometry)

Topological handling of data using topological data analysis

Topological handling of data using topological data analysis utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks application to character recognition, application to clustering, R, TDA, barcode plots, persistent plots , python, scikit-tda, Death - Birth, analysis of noisy data, alpha complex, vitris-lips complex, check complex, topological data analysis, protein analysis, sensor data analysis, natural language processing, soft geometry, hard geometry, information geometry, Euclidean Spaces

Protected: Machine Learning with Bayesian Inference – Mixture Models, Data Generation Process and Posterior Distribution

Mixture models and data generation processes and posterior distributions (graphical models, Poisson distribution, Gaussian distribution, Dirichlet distribution, categorical distribution) in machine learning with Bayesian inference used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning

Protected: Unsupervised Learning with Gaussian Processes (2) Extension of Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model

Extension of Gaussian process latent variable models as unsupervised learning by Gaussian processes, an application of stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learningtasks ,infinite warp mixture models, Gaussian process dynamics models, Poisson point processes, log Gaussian Cox processes, latent Gaussian processes, elliptic slice sampling

Protected: Information Geometry of Positive Definite Matrices (2) From Gaussian Graphical Models to Convex Optimization

Information geometry of positive definite matrices utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks From Gaussian graphical models to convex optimization (chordal graphs, triangulation graphs, dual coordinates, Pythagorean theorem, information geometry, geodesics, sample variance-covariance matrix, maximum likelihood Estimation, divergence, knot space, Riemannian metric, multivariate Gaussian distribution, Kullback-Leibler information measure, dual connection, Euclidean geometry, narrowly convex functions, free energy)