
Symbolic Logic

Inductive logic Programming 2008

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...

Protected: Algorithms for Network Flow Problems

The solution of the maximum communication volume problem by Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm and its relation to the minimum cut problem, the maximum matching problem for nipartite graphs which is a special case of the maximum flow problem, the general matching problem and the minimum cost flow problem are described.

Basic algorithms for graph data (DFS, BFS, bipartite graph decision, shortest path problem, minimum whole tree)

An overview of basic algorithms for graph data (DFS, BFS, bipartite graph decision, shortest path problem, minimum global tree) and some code in C++.
Symbolic Logic

Graph data processing algorithms and their application to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tasks

Theory, implementation, and use of algorithms for analyzing graph data.

Protected: Advanced graph algorithms (strongly connected component decomposition, DAG, 2-SAT, LCA)

Overview and C++ implementation of advanced graph data algorithms such as strongly connected component decomposition, DAG, 2-SAT, LCA, etc., which can be applied to knowledge graph processing and various problem solving algorithms.

Structural Learning

  About Structural Learning Learning the structure that data has is important for interpreting what the data is a...

Protected: Tensor decomposition – CP decomposition and Tucker decomposition

Processing of higher-order relational data and tensors using CP decomposition and Tucker decomposition for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

What is a Complex Network? A New Approach to Deciphering Complex Relationships Reading Memo

Overview of graph theory for analyzing complex network information used in artificial intelligence tasks (lattices and networks, Bacon and Erdesh numbers, small worlds, Beki rules, contagion transmission pathways, communication networks, neural networks, community networks).