

The Roots of Problem Solving – About Sun Tzu

The Roots of Problem Solving - About Sun Tzu (Sun Wu, Sun Bin, Bamboo Plate of Silver Sparrow Mountain, Strategy, Strategy, Form, Formation, Force, Fiction, Military Conflict, Nine Changes, March, Terrain, Nine Terrains, Fire Attack, Use Space, China, Warring States Period, Spring and Autumn Period, Military Book, Philosophy, Thought Book)

Reading the Core of Christianity Building Bridges: Christianity and Modernity

Reading the Core of Christianity: Building Bridges-Christianity and Modernity (Augustine, With a Burning Heart, Christianity Reimagined, Henry Nawen, Theology of the Periphery, Wounded Healer, Healing People, Theology of the Periphery, Learn to Rejoice, Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis, Laudato Si, The Sun Song, Healing the Disconnect, Pontifex, Ecology)

Read “Augustine” Confessions at the Heart of Christianity

Read Augustine's "Confessions" at the heart of Christianity (traveler, theology, philosophy, interminable trials, chance and necessity, self, mystery, Hortensius experience, biblical experience, Manichaeism, conversion, little man, Cicero, Hortensius, free will theory, Martin Heidegger, existence and time, Hannah Arendt, Augustine's concept of love, Roman Empire, Carthage)

Protected: Mahayana Buddhism, Nirvana Sutra and Zen Teachings

Mahayana Buddhism, the Nirvana Sutra, and Zen Teachings (all sentient beings are buddhahood, hara-son, Zen questions and answers, takkan-daza, koan, Hakuin Huizaku, Rinzai Buddhism, Nyoraizo philosophy, Soto Buddhism, Śakara Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, zazen practice, all plants, all beings become Buddha, Nirvana Sutra, buddhahood)

The Internet and Vairocana Buddha – Kegon Sutra and Esoteric Buddhism

The Internet and Vairocana Buddha - Kegon Sutra and Esoteric Buddhism, Doughnutized Buddhist Teachings and Hinduism

Mahayana Buddhism and the Prajnaparamita Sutra

Transformation of the concept of the sky from Theravada Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, and Sakyamuni Buddhism (Agon Sutra) to Mahayana Buddhism (Prajnaparamita Sutra), Zen Buddhism (Soto, Rinzai, Obaku) and Esoteric Buddhism (Tendai, Shingon)

On the Road: Rakuhoku Roads, Stalwart Monks, Mountain Priests, and Monk Soldiers

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido yuku to Rakuhoku Shodo to Stalwart Monks, Mountain Priests, Monk Soldiers, Emperor Toba and the Late Heian Period, Emperor Kougen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
Symbolic Logic

Zen and Buddha Bot as Told by Artificial No-Brains

The early history of the dialogue engine, starting with the importance of dialogue and Eliza to the meaning of words, philosophy by Wittgenstein, meta-literature by James Joyce, Zen thought (the Ten Oxen) for enlightenment, Zen questions and answers and Buddhabot.
life tips

Zen thought and history, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoist thought, Christianity

  Zen thought and history, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoist thought, Christianity Zen, derived from the Zen sect of Bud...

Dogen Zen master

Summary The book, "Dogen Zenji" by Izumi Kyoka Prize for Literature and Shinran Prize winner Tatematsu Wahei, is ...