

Overview of probability and statistics, its philosophy, and libraries in various languages for specific use

About Probability and Statistics Probability and statistics is one of the fields of mathematics, which ...

Protected: Special Lecture, “The Significance of Dialogue,” from “Socrates in Defense.”

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Protected: Special Lecture, “The Purpose of Philosophy,” from “Socrates in Defense.”

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Protected: From the Special Lecture “Socrates’ Defense,” “Starting Points in Philosophy.”

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Protected: What is Philosophy from the Special Lecture “Socrates’ Defense”

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Philosophy and related topics

Philosophy Philosophy, which has developed over many cultures and eras from ancient Greece and other ancient...

Special Lecture on “What is Philosophy Aimed at?” from “The Apologetics of Socrates

  Summary Philosophy can be defined as a means to pursue the essence and truth of things, to think deeply abo...

The Thought of Zhuangzi: How the Mind Can Be Free

The Thought of Zhuangzi: How the Mind Can Be Free (Qimoten, Delusion, Delusion of Hearing, Irreconcilable Character, Zen, The Human World Arc, O Teio Arc, Tokujinshi Arc, Anti-Common Sense, Saigyo Hoshi, Kamo Chomei, Matsuo Basho, Sengai Yoshihon, Ryokan, Yukawa Hideki, O Teio Arc, The Seven Bones of Chaos, Novel, Zhuang Zhou)

Protected: Living Like Water: The Idea of Lao Tzu’s Thought The World of Being, Nothingness, and Infinity

Living Like Water: The Idea of Lao Tzu's Thought The World of With, Without, and Infinite (Taishang Laojun, Moral Tianzun, Taoism, Confucianism, Confucius, Governing Theory, Rei, Dao, Self-improvement, Class System, Status System, Feudal System, Antithesis, Jin, Yi, Morality, Book of Seclusion, Seclusion for the Weak, Passive Living, Do Nothing, Yin Yang Qi, Virtue, All Things Generated)

The Analects of Confucius, a book of comprehensive “anthropology

Confucius' Analects: A Comprehensive Book of "Anthropology" (Communist Party, Chōkyū, Confucianism, Analects and Arithmetic, Shibusawa Eiichi, Loyalty, Filial Piety, Civility, Yushima Seido, Kodokan, Spring and Autumn Period)