

Protected: Linear Bandit, Contextual Bandit, Linear Bandit Problem with LinUCB Policies

Linear Bandit, Contextual Bandit, LineUCB policy for linear bandit problems (Riglet, algorithm, least squares quantification, LinUCB score, reward expectation, point estimate, knowledge) utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning tasks utilization-oriented measures, search-oriented measures, Woodbury's formula, LinUCB measures, LinUCB policy, contextual bandit, website optimization, maximum sales expectation, bandit optimal budget allocation)

Protected: TRPO/PPO and DPG/DDPG, an improvement of the Policy Gradient method of reinforcement learning

TRPO/PPO and DPG/DDPG (Pendulum, Actor Critic, SequentialMemory, SequentialMemory, and SequentialMemory), which are improvements of Policy Gradient methods of reinforcement learning used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks. Adam, keras-rl, TD error, Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, Deterministic Policy Gradient, Advanced Actor Critic, A2C, A3C, Proximal Policy Optimization, Trust Region Policy Optimization, Python)

Protected: Applying Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Applying Deep Learning to Strategy:Advanced Actor Critic (A2C)

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Implementation of Advanced Actor Critic (A2C) applying deep learning to strategies (Policy Gradient method, Q-learning, Gumbel Max Trix, A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic))

Protected: Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Policy Gradient, which implements a strategy with a function with parameters.

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Policy Gradient to implement strategies with parameterized functions (discounted present value, strategy update, tensorflow, and Keras, CartPole, ACER, Actor Critoc with Experience Replay, Off-Policy Actor Critic, behavior policy, Deterministic Policy Gradient, DPG, DDPG, and Experience Replay, Bellman Equation, policy gradient method, action history)

Protected: Exp3.P measures and lower bounds for the adversarial multi-armed bandit problem Theoretical overview

Theoretical overview of Exp3.P measures and lower bounds for adversarial multi-arm bandit problems utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks cumulative reward, Poly INF measures, algorithms, Arbel-Ruffini theorem, pseudo-riglet upper bounds for Poly INF measures, closed-form expressions, continuous differentiable functions, Audibert, Bubeck, INF measures, pseudo-riglet upper bounds for INF measures, random choice algorithms, optimal order measures, highly probable riglet upper bounds) closed form, continuous differentiable functions, Audibert, Bubeck, INF measures, pseudo-riglet lower bounds, random choice algorithms, measures of optimal order, highly probable riglet upper bounds

Theory and algorithms of various reinforcement learning techniques and their implementation in python

Theory and algorithms of various reinforcement learning techniques used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and their implementation in python reinforcement learning,online learning,online prediction,deep learning,python,algorithm,theory,implementation

Protected: Applying Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Deep Q-Network Applying Deep Learning to Value Assessment

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Deep Q-Network Prioritized Replay, Multi-step applying deep learning to value assessment Deep Q-Network applying deep learning to value assessment (Prioritized Replay, Multi-step Learning, Distibutional RL, Noisy Nets, Double DQN, Dueling Network, Rainbow, GPU, Epsilon-Greedy method, Optimizer, Reward Clipping, Fixed Target Q-Network, Experience Replay, Average Experience Replay, Mean Square Error, Mean Squared Error, TD Error, PyGame Learning Enviroment, PLE, OpenAI Gym, CNN

Protected: Hedge Algorithm and Exp3 Measures in the Adversary Bandid Problem

Hedge algorithm and Exp3 measures in adversarial bandit problems utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks pseudo-regret upper bound, expected cumulative reward, optimal parameters, expected regret, multi-armed bandit problem, Hedge Algorithm, Expert, Reward version of Hedge algorithm, Boosting, Freund, Chabile, Pseudo-Code, Online Learning, PAC Learning, Question Learning

Protected: Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Value Function Approximation, which implements value evaluation as a function with parameters.

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning used for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Examples of implementing value evaluation with functions with parameters (CartPole, Q-table, TD error, parameter update, Q-Learning, MLPRegressor, Python)

Protected: Regret Analysis for Stochastic Banded Problems

Regret analysis for stochastic banded problems utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (sum of equal sequences, gamma function, Thompson extraction, beta distribution, hem probability, Mills ratio, partial integration, posterior sample, conjugate prior distribution, Bernoulli distribution, cumulative distribution function, expected value, DMED measure, UCB measure, Chernoff-Hefding inequality, likelihood, upper bound, lower bound, UCB score, arms)