
Stream Data Processing

Protected: Simulation, Data Assimilation, and Emulation

Fusion of extrapolation (deduction) estimation using simulation and interpolation (induction) estimation using machine learning (simulation assimilation and emulation using DNN, etc.) for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks
Stream Data Processing

Protected: PF for fast processing of streamed data and large amounts of data: Apache Spark Overview

Overview of ApacheSpark, an open source platform used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks to process streamed and massive data at high speed

Protected: Combinatorial online prediction

Combinatorial, online prediction problems with a set of discrete structures as the decision space for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning task utilization.

Protected: Online prediction based on randomness

Randomness-based FPL(Follow the Perturbed Leader) Strategy and Gumbel Distribution for Improving Online Predictive Performance for Digital Transformation , Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tasks

Protected: Online convex optimization (3) exp concavity and ONS

Convex optimization for online prediction for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks (the case of exp concavity and ONS).

Protected: Online Convex Optimization (2) Complementing FTL Strategies with Regularization

Complementing the FTL strategy by introducing regularization techniques (L2 norm) in online prediction for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Online Convex Optimization(1) FTL strategy and BTL supplement

Online Convex Optimization and FTL Strategies with Online Prediction for Digital Transformation , Artificial Intelligence , and Machine Learning Tasks with BTL Supplement

Protected: New Developments in Reinforcement Learning (2) – Approaches Using Deep Learning

On seven methods for improving deep reinforcement learning used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks (first generation DQN, dual Q learning (dual DQN method), prioritized experience replay, collision Q networks, distributed reinforcement learning (categorical DQN method) noise networks, n-step cutting returns) and alpha zero

Protected: New Developments in Reinforcement Learning (1) – Reinforcement Learning with Risk Indicators

Different approaches (regular process TD learning, RDPS methods) and implementations (Monte Carlo, analytical methods) in risk-aware reinforcement learning methods for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (2) Planning POMDPs

Reinforcement learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks; obtaining optimal strategies using partial observation Markov decision process planning methods.