線形代数:Linear Algebra


Introduction to Optimization Problems Combining Cone Optimization, Integer Optimization, and Network Models Problem Solving with Python Series

Overview of optimization techniques in machine learning using python for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Matrix Decomposition -Extraction of relational features between two objects

Extraction of relationships by machine learning, matrix factorization approach, non-negative matrix factorization

Protected: Clustering of symmetric relational data – Spectral clustering

Extraction of relationships, knowledge extraction and prediction, spectral clustering by machine learning for graph analysis, etc.

Protected: Support Vector Machines – Overview

Overview of SVMs (Support Vector Machines), the basis for various machine learning methods such as classification, regression, and unsupervised learning.

Fundamentals of Computer Mathematics

Overview of computer mathematics as a basis for artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, functions, sets, probability, simultaneous equations, differentiation, and integration.