ICT技術:ICT Technology

web技術:web technology

Database Technology

Database Technology Database technology is a technology for organizing, managing, manipulating, and storing...

Considerations for a program for solving algebraic sentences

  Introduction With chatGPT using GPT model described in "Overview of GPT and examples of algorithms an...

Overview and Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods

  Overview of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a st...

Overview of data compression and examples of various algorithms and implementations

  Data Compression Data compression is the process of reducing the size of data in order to represent informatio...

Overview of data encryption and various algorithms and implementation examples

  Data Encryption Data encryption will be a technique for irreversibly transforming data and protecting it from ...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Overview and implementation of image recognition systems

Image Recognition System Overview An image recognition system will be a technology in which a computer analy...

Examples of Wireless IOT Control Implementations in Various Languages

Wireless IOT Control Typically, IoT devices are small devices with sensors and actuators, and use wi...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Overview of Rasbery Pi, various applications and concrete implementation examples

What is Rasbery Pi? Raspberry Pi is a Single Board Computer (SBC), a small computer developed by the...

Overview and basic syntax of Rust and examples of implementation in various applications

What is Rust? Rust is a programming language for systems programming developed by Mozilla Research and des...

Overview of Hidden Markov Models and various applications and implementations

Machine learning with stochastic models (stochastic generative models) Probabilistic generative models, al...