ICT技術:ICT Technology


Protected: Network analysis with Pagerank using Clojure Glittering

Network analysis with Pagerank (label propagation, Twitter user group analysis, influencers, communities, community graphs, accounts, followers, dumping factor, page rank algorithm) using Clojure Glittering for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

AWS Cloud Service Design Patterns (3)

AWS Cloud Service Design Patterns utilized for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks (Operations and Maintenance Patterns, Bootstrap, Cloud DI, Stack Development, Server Swapping, Monitoring Integration, Weighted Transition, Log Aggregation, Ondemand Activation, Network Patterns, Backnet, Functional Firewall, and Operational Activation). Monitoring Integration, Weighted Transition, Log Aggregation, Ondemand Activation, Network Patterns, Backnet, Functional Firewall, Operational Firewall, Multi Load Balancer, WAF Proxy, CloudHub, Sorry Page, Self Registration, RDP Proxy, Floating Gateway, Shared Service, High Availability NAT)
web技術:web technology

Protected: On cloud-native and service-centric development

On cloud-native and service-centric development leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks inter-organizational, siloed, KPIs, business value, Conway's Law, organizational restructuring, process reform, CNCF Incubating Stage, CNCF Graduate Stage, CNCF Sandbox Stage, Technical Oversight Committee, End User Advisory Board, Cloud Native Application Development, Kubernetes Application Modernization, The Twelve-Factor App, 12 Application Principles, Container Orchestration, APIs, Service Based Architecture, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices, Sparse Coupling, Delivery Performance, MTTR, Lead Time, Change Loss Rate, Deployment Frequency, Docker
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Theory, Mathematics and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Technology

Theory and basic algorithms of artificial intelligence techniques (metaheuristics, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, sphere theory, logic, mathematics) used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial Intelligence technologies used for Digital Transformation (DX), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tasks
ICT技術:ICT Technology

About Machine Learning Technology

Machine learning techniques used for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks
プログラミング言語:Programming Language

Data types and statically and dynamically typed languages in programming

Types of data and statically typed languages and dynamically typed languages (primitive types, heap, Ruby, Python, C#, C++, Java, classes, objects, alias problems, garbage collection, Rust, Borrow checkers, stacks, global variables, value types, reference types, complex types, enumeration types) in programming used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning.

Protected: Applying Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Deep Q-Network Applying Deep Learning to Value Assessment

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Deep Q-Network Prioritized Replay, Multi-step applying deep learning to value assessment Deep Q-Network applying deep learning to value assessment (Prioritized Replay, Multi-step Learning, Distibutional RL, Noisy Nets, Double DQN, Dueling Network, Rainbow, GPU, Epsilon-Greedy method, Optimizer, Reward Clipping, Fixed Target Q-Network, Experience Replay, Average Experience Replay, Mean Square Error, Mean Squared Error, TD Error, PyGame Learning Enviroment, PLE, OpenAI Gym, CNN

Protected: Network analysis in GraphX Pregel using Clojure

Network analysis in GraphX Pregel using Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (label propagation, twitter data, community analysis, graph structure analysis, community size, community detection, algorithms, maximum connected components, triangle counting, glittering, Google, Koenigsberg bridge, Euler path)

AWS Cloud Service Design Patterns (2)

AWS Cloud Service Design Patterns used for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tasks (Data Upload Patterns, Write Proxy, Storage Index, Direct Object Upload, Relational Database Patterns, DB Replication, Read Replica, Inmemory DB Cache, Sharing Write, Asynchronous Processing, Batch Processing Patterns, Queuing Chain, Priority Queue, Job Observer, Fanout)