ICT技術:ICT Technology

IOT技術:IOT Technology

Introduction and configuration of Apache Spark for distributed data processing

Deployment and configuration of Apache Spark to enable distributed data processing for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (NodeManager, YARN, spark-master, ResourceManager, spark-worker, HDFS, NameNode, DataNode, spark-client, CDH5.4, haddop, Yum, CentOS) spark-worker, HDFS, NameNode, DataNode, spark-client, CDH5.4, haddop, Yum, CentOS)

Deploying and Operating Microservices – Docker and Kubernetes

Deployment and operation of microservices leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks - Docker and Kubernetes minikube, containers, deployment, kube-ctl, rolling-upgrade, auto-bin packing, horizontal scaling, scale-up, scale-down, self-healing, kubelet, kube-apiserver, etcd, kube-controller- manager, kube- scheduler, pod, kube-proxy, Docker CLI, the Docker Registry, cgroups, Linux kernel, kernel namespace, union mount option, Hypervisor

Protected: Implementation of Model-Free Reinforcement Learning in python (3)Using experience for value assessment or strategy update: Value-based vs. policy-based

Value-based and policy-based implementations of model-free reinforcement learning in python for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Stochastic gradient descent implementation using Clojure and Hadoop

Stochastic gradient descent implementation using Clojure and Hadoop for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (mini-batch, Mapper, Reducer, Parkour, Tesser, batch gradient descent, join-step Partitioning, uberjar, Java, batch gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, Hadoop cluster, Hadoop distributed file system, HDFS)
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Brain-machine interface utilization and OpenBCI

Brain Machine Interface applications and OpenBCI (Galea, VR, steam deck, Valve, Steam, EEG, EOG, EMG, EDA, PPG, Panatronix, UX, meditation, stress, Shimadzu, NIRS, rehabilitation, exoskeletal robots, and BMI neurorehabilitation, Blackrock Microsystems, LLC, functional compensatory, functional restorative, non-invasive, fMRI, invasive, magnetic brain field measurement, near infrared photometry, NIRD, EEG, EEG sensor, prosthetic hand)

Use of ElasticStash for monitoring system operations, including microservices

Leveraging ElasticStash for system operations monitoring, including microservices leveraged for digital transformation artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Riemann, rollup, throttle structure, KafKa plugin, UTC, timbre LogStash, log4j, tools.logging, structured logging, common log formats, visualization features, dashboards, Kibana, pipeline, UDP, Collectd, RRD, stdin, stdout, ELK Stack, Elastic Stack Apache Kafka

KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Papers

KI2019 In the previous article, we discussed KI 2018. In this issue, we describe the 42nd German Con...

Installation and operation of Apache server and LAMP

Installation and operation of Apache server and LAMP (MariaDB, PHP, CentOS, Mac, Windows) utilized for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tasks

Protected: Implementation of model-free reinforcement learning in python (2) Monte Carlo and TD methods

Python implementations of model-free reinforcement learning such as Monte Carlo and TD methods Q-Learning, Value-based methods, Monte Carlo methods, neural nets, Epsilon-Greedy methods, TD(lambda) methods, Muli-step Learning, Rainbow, A3C/A2C, DDPG, APE-X DDPG, Muli-step Learning) Epsilon-Greedy method, TD(λ) method, Muli-step Learning, Rainbow, A3C/A2C, DDPG, APE-X DQN

Protected: Clojure implementation of distributed computation processing (map-reduce) used in Hadoop

Clojure implementation of distributed computation processing (map-reduce) used in Hadoop for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Tesser, Reducer function, fold, cost function, gradient descent method, feature extraction, feature-scales function, feature scaling, gradient descent learning rate, gradient descent update rule, iterative algorithm, multiple regression, correlation matrix, fuse, commutative, linear regression, co-reduction, and covariance) feature-scales function, feature scaling, gradient descent learning rate, gradient descent update rule, iterative algorithm, multiple regression, correlation matrix, fuse, commutativity, linear regression, covariance, Hadoop, pararrel fold