ICT技術:ICT Technology

IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Model-based reinforcement learning(Sparse sampling, UCT, Monte Carlo search tree)

Model-based reinforcement learning (sparse sampling, UCT, Monte Carlo search trees) used for digital transformation artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Model-free reinforcement learning (2) – Method iteration (Q-learning, SARSA, Actor-click method)

Value iteration methods Q-learning, SARSA, Actor-critic methods to model-free reinforcement learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Startup Series “Reinforcement Learning in Python”

Summary Reinforcement learning is a field of machine learning in which an agent, which is the subject of lear...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Time series data analysis

  Overview of Time Series Data Learning Time-series data is called data whose values change over time, suc...

User interface and data visualization Technologies

User interfaces and data visualization to increase the value of information in data for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (1) – History of Knowledge Information Processing, Languages for Representing Knowledge and Prolog

History of knowledge information processing used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and languages for representing knowledge, Prolog and predicate logic

Artificial Life and Agent Technologies

Artificial life technology, an indispensable technology for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (reproducing the behavior of life on a computer and expressing intelligence)
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (2) General image retrieval

Search optimization using tree structure, hashing, sequential quantization, spectral hashing, k-means hashing, etc. for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and evaluation using mAP and recall@R.
Symbolic Logic

Rule base, knowledge base, expert system and relational data

Rule-based and knowledge-based and expert systems and relational data as knowledge information processing handling for use in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Knowledge Information Processing Technologies

Overview of techniques for handling the most important knowledge information in artificial intelligence tasks.