ICT技術:ICT Technology

web技術:web technology

HTTP protocol overview

Overview of web technologies for teaching beginners, detailing the HTTP protocol that connects web servers and browsers.
web技術:web technology

Internet Technologies Overviews

Overview of web technologies for teaching beginners, about internet technologies, protocols such as network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layer.

Clojure stopword removal

The following are examples of implementations of the stop word processing used in the cleansing process of natural language processing in Clojure and pyhton.

Sorting (rearranging) data

As an introduction to data sorting, which is the basis of algorithms for the education of beginners, bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort, selection sort, and heap sort were explained. Sorting in Clojure was explained.

Iteration and recursion (C, Java, python, Clojure)

For beginners, I will haggish the iterative operations, which is a typical feature of structured languages in various languages (C, Python, Java, JavaScript, Clojure). I will also introduce recursive programming in Clojure.

Overview of tfidf and its implementation in Clojure

Clojure implementation of tfidf used in natural language processing

Protected: Decision Tree Algorithm (4) Rule Classification using R

Rule extraction with R using decision tree algorithm, C5.0, and Ripper

Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

Theoretical overview of Principal Component Analysis and its implementation in R

Destructuring in Clojure(1)

Using Clojure, Split Assignment, Local Variables and Destructuring

Installing python development environment and tensorflow package on mac

Installing python development environment and tensorflow package on mac