ICT技術:ICT Technology


Clara Rule’s expert system (simple usecase)

Implementation of an expert system using Clara rules in Clojure
プログラミング言語:Programming Language

History of Programming Languages

History of programming language efficiency, from machine languages to structured languages, assembler languages, FORTRAN, and structured languages by Edgar Dijkstra, ALGOL, Pascal, C

Expert systems in Clojure (clara rule,rete4frames)

Implementing a CLIPS-like expert system in Clojure, Clara rules, reteframe

Expert System and CLIPS

Expert system with forward reasoning, CLIPS overview
Symbolic Logic

Backward inference and Forward inference

Forward reasoning to infer from facts, backward reasoning to formulate and organize hypotheses

Clojure core.logic and miniKanren

core.logic for logic programming in Clojure

Prolog and Knowledge Information Processing

Overview of Prolog used for artificial intelligence and logic programming

Protected: public-key cryptography algorithm

Public Key Cryptography Algorithms for the Education of Beginners
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

About Redis (Overview and basic use)

Using Redis, a high-speed key-value database, with Clojure

Clojure and Redis(Using Redis in Clojure)

Using Redis, a high-speed key-value database, with Clojure