ICT技術:ICT Technology

推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Local Features (2) About Various Detectors(Edge, corner and blob detectors)

Overview of various detectors for local feature extraction in image recognition technology that can be used for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DX) (edge detector, corner detector, blob detector)
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Local features (1) Overview of local features and various filtering processes

Overview of local feature extraction techniques and various filtering techniques in image recognition technology
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Overview of Image Recognition (2) Overview of the treatment process

Image recognition technology used in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DX), specific recognition processes (class recognition, object recognition, instance recognition)
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Overview of Image Recognition (1) History and overview of image recognition technology

History and overview of image recognition technology used in AI and DX

R language and Machine Learning

Overview of the R language as a general-purpose tool for machine learning
検索技術:Search Technology

Image Processing Technology

Overview of image recognition technology used in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DX)
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Analysis of Time Series Data (4) ARCH Model and GARCH Model

Basic analysis of time series data used in digital transformation (DX), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and IOT, and ARCH and GARCH models
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Apache Streaming technologies

Machine learning and system architecture for data streams (time series data) used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and cross-fusion use of IOT, and Apache streaming technology.
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Stream Reasoning Architecture (Overview)

Machine learning and system architecture for data streams (time series data) used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and cross-fusion use of IOT, Stream Resoning system, and ontology
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Data stream processing architecture (Complex Event Processing: CEP)

Machine learning and system architecture for data streams (time series data) used for cross-fusion of digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and IOT, and complex event processing (CEPComplex Event Procesing) About