ICT技術:ICT Technology


Natural Language Processing with Clojure

Overview and utilization of clojuer-openNLP, a natural language processing tool in Clojure

Clustering with R – k-means

Machine learning using R, unsupervised, non-hierarchical classification using k-means

hierarchical clustering with R

Machine learning using R, classification with hierarchical clustering function hclust

R Language Preferences

Overview of machine learning using R, setting up the environment and handling data

Reference books on machine learning with R

Overview of machine learning with R, history of R and introduction to reference books

Protected: Data Compression Algorithms(2)Lossy compression

Data Compression Algorithm Overview, Lossy Data Compression Algorithm, Exclusion Trick, Content Summary
web技術:web technology

Web server and DB integration(1)Setting up a server in Clojure

Implementing a server in Clojure for web server and DB integration, and using Ring to launch a web server
web技術:web technology

Web server and DB integration(2)

Implementing routing in Clojure for web server and DB Implementing routing in Clojure for web server and DB, Ring, Routing with Compojure

Web server and DB integration(3)DB connection and control

DB implementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, setting up and integration of posgresql
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Databases Technology

Overview of database technology, CRUD (Create (add new data) - Read (reference data) - Update (update data) - Delete (delete data)), ACID (Atom (atomicity), Consistent (integrity), Isolated (isolation), Durable (Atom), Consistency, Isolated, Durable), CAP (Consistency, Availability, Partition-Tolerance)