

Protected: Model Selection and Regularized Path Tracking (2)Regularized Path Tracking

On Regularized Path Tracking Algorithms in Model Validation for Improving Efficiency of SVMs Used in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence , and Machine Learning Tasks
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Causal Inference with VAR Models (2)Multivariate Autoregressive (VAR) Models and Causal Inference with VAR Models

Multivariate autoregressive models (VAR models) and causal estimation using VARs in time series data analysis with state space models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks

Protected: Computing the Peripheral Probability Distribution 2 – Bethe Approximation

Variational methods using the Bethe approximation to compute marginal probability distributions in probability propagation methods for probability estimation using graphical models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Overview of Stochastic Generative Models and Learning

Probabilistic generative models used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning , overview of graphical models and maximum likelihood methods, MAP estimation, Bayesian estimation and Gibbs sampling.

Protected: Overview of Gaussian Processes(3)Gaussian Process Regression Model

Computation and optimization of regression models and predictive distributions using Gaussian processes, which are dimensionless stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Intuitive Methods in Economic Mathematics: Probability and Statistics Reading Notes

  Summary Economic mathematics is the study of mathematical methods of analysis in economics. It refers to the a...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Causal Inference with VAR Model (1) Interpolation of missing data and DF and ADF tests

Overview of multivariate autoregressive models for finding causal relationships between two time series data in time series data analysis using state space models for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, and completion of missing data using R and DF and ADF tests

Protected: Calculation of marginal probability distributions – Probability Propagation Method

Compute the probability distribution around graphical models in probabilistic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks, such as Bayesian estimation, using probability propagation methods

Various probability distributions

Overview of various probabilistic models used as approximate models for probabilistic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (Student's t distribution, Wishart distribution, Gaussian distribution, gamma distribution, inverse gamma distribution, Dirichlet distribution, beta distribution, categorical distribution, Poisson distribution, Bernoulli distribution)

Protected: Overview of Gaussian Processes(2)Gaussian Processes and Kernels

Gaussian processes and kernel functions (Mattern kernel, character kernel, Fisher kernel, HMM's marginalized kernel, linear kernel, exponential kernel, periodic kernel, RBF kernel), which are dimensionless stochastic generative models used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks