

Protected: Change detection by density ratio estimation – Detection of structural changes using the Kullback-Leibler density ratio estimation method

Detecting structural changes using the Kullback-Leibler density ratio estimation method for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Anomaly detection by density ratio estimation – Anomaly Estimation from Unsupervised Data Using the Kullback-Leibler Density Ratio Estimation Method

Among the anomaly/change detection techniques used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, I will introduce a method for anomaly detection using probability density ratio for unsupervised data ,Kullback-Leibler density ratio estimation method

Protected: Anomaly detection using sparse structure learning- Graph models and regularization that link broken dependencies between variables to anomalies.

Graph models and regularization that link broken dependencies between variables to anomalies.

Protected: Change detection using subspace method -Singular spectral transform method for time series data

Singular spectral transform (SVD) method for extracting change points from time series data for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Anomaly Detection by Gaussian Process Regression -Output anomaly detection for input, application to design of experiments

Detection of how much the output corresponding to the input is abnormal by Gaussian process regression, one of the most versatile methods of anomaly detection used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (application to design of experiments).

Protected: Anomaly Detection in Directional Data – Analysis Using Von Mises Fisher Distribution and Chi-Square

Explanation of a method that uses the von Mises Fisher distribution from directional data in anomaly detection technology used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Anomaly and Change Detection Technologies

An overview of various machine learning techniques for anomaly and change detection used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Protected: Sequential Update Type Anomaly Detection by Mixture Distribution Model – Jensen’s Inequality and EM Method

Overview of sequential update anomaly detection using mixture distribution models (Jensen's inequality, EM method), which is the most popular method used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: MCMC method for calculating stochastic integrals: Algorithms other than Metropolis method (Gibbs sampling, MH method)

An overview of MCMC using Gibbs sampling and MH methods for probability integral computation for digital transformation and artificial intelligence task applications.

Machine Learning Professional Series: Topic Models Post-Reading Notes

Topic models using probability generation models to extract sentence topics to be used in digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.