

Overview and Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods

  Overview of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a st...

Protected: Model Building and Inference in Bayesian Inference – Overview and Models of Hidden Markov Models

Model building and inference of Bayesian inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - Overview of hidden Markov models and models eigenvalues, hyperparameters, conjugate prior, gamma prior, sequence analysis, gamma distribution, Poisson distribution, mixture models graphical model, simultaneous distribution, transition probability matrix, latent variable, categorical distribution, Dirichlet distribution, state transition diagram, Markov chain, initial probability, state series, sensor data, network logs, speech recognition, natural language processing

Overview and various implementations of Bayesian estimation

Overview of Bayesian Estimation Techniques Bayesian inference is a method of statistical inference based o...

Protected: Neural Networks as Applied Models of Bayesian Inference

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Protected: Logistic regression as an applied model of Bayesian inference

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Protected: Tensor Decomposition and Recommendation as Applied Models of Bayesian Inference

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Protected: Inference by Gibbs sampling in a topic model as an applied model of Bayesian inference.

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Protected: Overview of the topic model as an applied model of Bayesian inference and application of variational inference

Overview of topic models as applied Bayesian inference models for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and application of variational inference variational inference algorithms, Dirichlet distribution, categorical distribution, LDA, topic models in multimedia

Protected: Hidden Markov model building and structured variational inference in Bayesian inference

Hidden Markov model building and structured variational inference (mini-batch, structured variational inference, fully decomposed variational inference, additional learning, underflow, message passing, exact inference algorithms, forward-backward algorithms, approximate distribution of parameters) in Bayesian inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning tasks.

Protected: Hidden Markov model building and fully decomposed variational inference in Bayesian inference

Hidden Markov model building and fully decomposed variational inference (approximate posterior distribution, categorical distribution, Dirichlet distribution, expectation calculation, transition probability matrix, Poisson mixture model, variational inference) in Bayesian inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning tasks.