機械学習:Machine Learning


About VGGNet

VGGNet(Visual Geometry Group Network) VGGNet (Visual Geometry Group Network) is a convolutional neural networ...

Statistical Methods Using Sentiment Lexicons

  Statistical Methods Using Sentiment Lexicons Sentiment Lexicons (Sentiment Polarity Lexicons) will be used ...

Cross-Entropy Loss

Overview of  Cross-Entropy Loss Cross-Entropy Loss (Cross-Entropy Loss) is one of the common loss functions use...

Overview of SARSA and its algorithm and implementation system

  Overview of SARSA SARSA (State-Action-Reward-State-Action) is a kind of control algorithm in reinforcement ...

Overview of the Louvain Method and Examples of Application and Implementation

Louvain Method The Louvain method (or Louvain algorithm) is one of the effective graph clustering algorith...

Preprocessing for image information processing

Preprocessing for image information processing In image information processing, preprocessing has a signific...

Preprocessing required for natural language processing and examples of its implementation

Preprocessing of Natural Language Processing Natural language processing (NLP) preprocessing is the proces...

Hesse Matrices and Regularity

Overview of Hessian matrix A Hessian matrix is a matrix representation of the second-order partial derivatives ...

Overview of the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm and example implementation

  Overview of the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) Algorithm In the ε-greedy method described in "Overview of the...

Overview of MODULAR (Multi-objective Optimization of Dynamics Using Links and Relaxations) and examples of application and implementation

MODULAR (Multi-objective Optimization of Dynamics Using Link and Relaxations) MODULAR is one of the method...