機械学習:Machine Learning


Protected: Overcoming Weaknesses in Deep Reinforcement Learning Dealing with Locally Optimal Behavior/Overlearning (2) Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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Protected: Overcoming Weaknesses in Deep Reinforcement Learning Dealing with Locally Optimal Behavior/Overlearning(1)Imitation Learning

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Protected: Overcoming Weaknesses in Deep Reinforcement Learning Dealing with Poor Reproducibility: Evolutionary Strategies

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Overview of the Bandit Problem and Examples of Application and Implementation

  Overview of the Bandit Problem The Bandit problem is a type of reinforcement learning in which a decision-ma...

Protected: Application of Bandit Method (3) Recommendation System

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Protected: Applications of the Bandit Method (1) Monte Carlo Tree Search

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Overview of sparse modeling and its application and implementation

Sparse Modeling Overview Sparse modeling is a technique that uses sparsity (sparse properties) in the ...

Protected: Extension of the Bandit Problem Partial Observation Problem

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Protected: Extension of the Bandit Problem – Time-Varying Bandit Problem and Comparative Bandit

Time-varying bandit problems and comparative bandits as extensions of bandit problems utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks RMED measures, Condorcet winner, empirical divergence, large deviation principle, Borda winner, Coplan Winner, Thompson Extraction, Weak Riglet, Total Order Assumption, Sleeping Bandit, Ruined Bandit, Non-Dormant Bandit, Discounted UCB Measures, UCB Measures, Hostile Bandit, Exp3 Measures, LinUCB, Contextual Bandit

Overview of Multitask Learning and Examples of Applications and Implementations

  Overview of Multitasking Learning Multi-Task Learning (Multi-Task Learning) is a machine learning techn...