機械学習:Machine Learning


Protected: Fundamentals of Convex Analysis as a Basic Matter for Sequential Optimization in Machine Learning

Basics of convex analysis as a fundamental matter of continuous optimization utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks subgradient, subdifferential, conjugate function, closed truly convex function, conjugate function, strongly convex function, closed truly convex function, upper and lower bounds on function values, Hesse matrix, epigraph, Taylor's theorem, relative interior, Ahuynh envelope, continuity, convex envelope, convex function, convex set

Protected: Basic Framework of Statistical Mathematics Theory

Basic framework of statistical mathematics theory used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks regularization, approximation and estimation errors, Höfding's inequality, prediction discriminant error, statistical consistency, learning algorithms, performance evaluation, ROC curves, AUC, Bayes rules, Bayes error, prediction loss, empirical loss

Protected: Supervised learning and regularization

Overview of supervised learning regression, discriminant and regularization ridge function, L1 regularization, bridge regularization, elastic net regularization, SCAD, group regularization, generalized concatenated regularization, trace norm regularization as the basis of machine learning optimization methods used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks

Protected: Spatial statistics of Gaussian processes, with application to Bayesian optimization

Spatial statistics of Gaussian processes as an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, and tools ARD, Matern kernelsfor Bayesian optimization GPyOpt and GPFlow and GPyTorch

Protected: Implementation of model-free reinforcement learning in python (1) epsilon-greedy method

Implementation in python of the epsilon-Greedy method, a model-free reinforcement learning method for use in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, multi-armed bandit

Hierarchical Temporal Memory and Clojure

Deep learning with hierarchical temporal memory and sparse distributed representation with Clojure for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

Network analysis using Clojure (1) Width-first/depth-first search, shortest path search, minimum spanning tree, subgraphs and connected components

Network analysis using Clojure/loop for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, width-first/depth-first search, shortest path search, minimum spanning tree, subgraph and connected components
Symbolic Logic

Integration of logic and rules with probability/machine learning

Integration of logic and rules with machine learning (inductive logic programming, statistical relational learning, knowledge-based model building, Bayesian nets, probabilistic logic learning, hidden Markov models) used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.

Fundamentals of Continuous Optimization – Calculus and Linear Algebra

Fundamentals of Continuous Optimization - Calculus and Linear Algebra (Taylor's theorem, Hesse matrix, Landau's symbol, Lipschitz continuity, Lipschitz constant, implicit function theorem, Jacobi matrix, diagonal matrix, eigenvalues, nonnegative definite matrix, positive definite matrix, subspace, projection, 1-rank update, natural gradient method, quasi Newton method, Sherman-Morrison formula, norm, Euclidean norm, p-norm, Schwartz inequality, Helder inequality, function on matrix space)

Protected: Calculation of marginal likelihood, posterior mean, posterior covariance, and predictive distribution using variational Bayesian methods

Methods for computing marginal likelihoods, posterior means, posterior covariances, and predictive distributions in variational Bayesian methods for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks James Stein estimator, maximum likelihood estimation, empirical Bayes estimator, Bayesian free energy, hyperparameters, automatic relevance determination, linear regression models, stochastic complexity, log marginal likelihood empirical Bayesian learning, multinomial distribution models, posterior means, linear regression models