機械学習:Machine Learning


User interface and data visualization Technologies

User interfaces and data visualization to increase the value of information in data for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Machine Learning Professional Series “Reinforcement Learning” Reading Memo

A reference book on reinforcement learning to observe the current situation and determine what action to take, used in digital transformation ,artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Professional Series “Online Machine Learning” Reading Memo

Online learning reference books used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks such as sequential processing of large-scale data.

Protected: Advanced online learning (1) High accuracy Approach (Perceptron, PA, PA-I, PA-II, CW, AROW, SCW)

Introduction to various methods for improving the accuracy of online learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (Perceptron, PA, CW, AROW, SCW)

Online learning and online prediction

Online learning is a sequential machine learning technique used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks, and online prediction combines these techniques with decision-making problems.
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (2) General image retrieval

Search optimization using tree structure, hashing, sequential quantization, spectral hashing, k-means hashing, etc. for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and evaluation using mAP and recall@R.

Protected: Topic models – maximum likelihood estimation, variational Bayesian estimation, estimation by Gibbs sampling

Maximum likelihood, variational Bayesian, and Gibbs sampling estimation of topic models for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and natural language processing tasks.

Protected: Tensor decomposition – CP decomposition and Tucker decomposition

Processing of higher-order relational data and tensors using CP decomposition and Tucker decomposition for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Higher-order relational data – an overview of tensor data processing

Tensor data processing to analyze relationships between three or more objects for use in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Estimating the number of topics in a topic model – Dirichlet process, Chinese restaurant process, stick-folding process

A topic model using Dirichlet process, Chinese restaurant process, and stick-folding process for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.