機械学習:Machine Learning


Protected: Planning Problems(1) – Approaches Using Dynamic Programming and Theoretical Underpinnings

Reinforcement learning by planning problems (dynamic programming and linear programming) for sequential decision problems in known environments used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Professional Series Sparsity-Based Machine Learning Reading Notes

Overview of sparse modeling used for regularization and other applications in machine learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Evaluating the performance of online learning(Perceptron, Regret Analysis, FTL, RFTL)

Perceptron and Riglet Analysis (FTL, RFTL) for evaluating online learning used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Advanced online learning (4) Application to deep learning (AdaGrad, RMSprop, ADADELTA, vSGD)

Application to online learning in AdaGrad, RMSprop, and vSGD used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Advanced online learning (3) Application to deep learning (mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, momentum method, accelerated gradient method)

Improving computational efficiency by applying mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, momentum, and accelerated gradient methods to deep learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Advanced Online Learning (2) Distributed Parallel Processing(Parallelized mini-batch stochastic gradient method, IPM, BSP, SSP)

Distributed parallel processing of online learning (parallelized mini-batch stochastic gradient method, IPM, BSP, SSP) to efficiently process large scale data for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

User interface and data visualization Technologies

User interfaces and data visualization to increase the value of information in data for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Machine Learning Professional Series “Reinforcement Learning” Reading Memo

A reference book on reinforcement learning to observe the current situation and determine what action to take, used in digital transformation ,artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Professional Series “Online Machine Learning” Reading Memo

Online learning reference books used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks such as sequential processing of large-scale data.

Protected: Advanced online learning (1) High accuracy Approach (Perceptron, PA, PA-I, PA-II, CW, AROW, SCW)

Introduction to various methods for improving the accuracy of online learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (Perceptron, PA, CW, AROW, SCW)