機械学習:Machine Learning

機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (1) Data Representation Model

Overview of natural language processing by deep learning, one-hot vector, distributed representation


An overview of Wprd2Vec, an application of deep learning models to natural language processing.

Protected: Gaussian Processes and Machine Learning – Introduction

Overview of Gaussian Generative Models for Machine Learning without Parameterization of Probabilistic Generative Models

Protected: Support Vector Machines – Overview

Overview of SVMs (Support Vector Machines), the basis for various machine learning methods such as classification, regression, and unsupervised learning.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Relational Data Learning

Extraction, knowledge extraction and prediction by machine learning of relationships used in graph analysis, etc.

Protected: Mixed Unigram Model

Basics of topic models for classification of document data, compound unigram models and LDA for teaching beginners

Protected: Unigram Model

Basics of topic model for classification of document data for education of beginners, unigram model
人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

What is meaning (1)

Artificial Intelligence (Robots) and the Meaning of Words from a Philosophical Perspective, Semantic and Formal Approaches

Structures, Algorithms, and Functions

The meaning of words from the perspective of algebraic structures, formal logic and mathematical logic

Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

Theoretical overview of Principal Component Analysis and its implementation in R