Clojure Examples of Wireless IOT Control Implementations in Various Languages Wireless IOT Control Typically, IoT devices are small devices with sensors and actuators, and use wi... 2023.08.02 ClojureIOT技術:IOT TechnologypythonRustStream Data Processingweb技術:web technologyハードウェア
Rust Overview and basic syntax of Rust and examples of implementation in various applications What is Rust? Rust is a programming language for systems programming developed by Mozilla Research and des... 2023.07.31 Rustweb技術:web technology
web技術:web technology Overview of Microservices system Microservices system Microservices is an approach to software development architecture that is character... 2023.07.24 web技術:web technologyアーキテクチャネットワーク技術マルチエージェントシステム
PHP Overview and implementation steps for Laravel and PHP PHP Overview PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a scripting language for web development that runs mainly ... 2023.07.10 PHPweb技術:web technology
javascript Javascript and React overview and implementation examples Javascript JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in web development and application develop... 2023.07.03 javascriptweb技術:web technology
IOT技術:IOT Technology Specific examples of WoT implementations introduction In "About WoT (Web of Things) Technology" I gave an overview of the WoT. This time, I would l... 2023.06.26 IOT技術:IOT TechnologypythonStream Data Processingweb技術:web technology
CSS CSS and Bootstrap overview and implementation examples About CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to specify the style and layout of doc... 2023.06.21 CSSweb技術:web technology
web技術:web technology Overview of cloud computing and AWS and various implementation patterns What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a computing model that provides resources and services via the Inter... 2023.05.30 web技術:web technologyアーキテクチャクラウド技術セキュリティデータベース技術:DataBase Technology
web技術:web technology Differences between Single Sign-On (SSO), SAML and OAuth Single sign-on (SSO) Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to seamlessly access multiple... 2023.05.19 web技術:web technologyアーキテクチャセキュリティ
web技術:web technology Examples of specific server implementations in various languages Specific server implementations in various languages This section describes examples of how to utilize ser... 2023.05.17 web技術:web technologyネットワーク技術