プログラミング言語:Programming Language


Examples of iteration and branching implementations in various languages

summary Among programming languages, the basic functionality is one element of the three functions of stru...

Overview of machine learning and data analysis in Python and introduction to typical libraries

Commentary on libraries and reference books on data analysis using Pyhon, which is used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence

Clojure, Type System and SPEC

Type systems and statically/dynamically typed languages In programming languages, the type system describes t...

Overview of Petri-net technology and its combination with artificial intelligence technology and various implementations

Petri Net Overview Petri nets are a descriptive model of discrete event systems proposed by Petri in 1962...

Overview of web crawling technologies and implementation in Python/Clojure

Overview of web crawling technologies used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks and their implementation in Python/Clojure jsoup, clj-http, enlive, clojure.data.json, HTML, CSS jsoup, HTML, CSS, XPATH, JSON, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, data extraction, natural language processing, databases, search, SNS analysis

Protected: Regression analysis using Clojure (1) Single regression model

Regression analysis using Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (1) Single regression model (coefficient of determination R2, correlation coefficient R, variance of residuals, variance, mean square error, explanatory variables, goodness of fit, linear regression model, dependent variable, independent variable, modeling error, heteroscedasticity, residual plot, regression line function, linear equation, regression model,incanter)
プログラミング言語:Programming Language

Protected: Static type checking with mypy in Python

Static type checking with mypy in Pyhton as a base programming technology for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks Protocol, Class, inheritance relations, Structural subtyping, Nominal subtyping, type hinting, type checking, type annotation, dynamic typing language, static typing language, gradual typing

Artificial Intelligence Technologies Drawing Attention at Recent International Conferences

Artificial Intelligence techniques of interest in recent international conferences that are used in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tasks Multimodal techniques, Federated Learning, Question and Answer Learning, Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Few-Shot Learning, One-Shot Learning, Meta-Learning, Graph Neural Networks, GNN, Self-Supervised Learning, IJCAI, AAAI, TNNLS, CVPR, ACM SIGKDD, ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML

Implementation using Clojure’s graphical tools seesaw and Quill

UI (graphics, libraries, Quill, tutorial, user interface, Java, Swing) with simple graphical tools using Clojure/seesaw utilized for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) tasks.
プログラミング言語:Programming Language

Differences between statically/dynamically typed languages in programming

Differences between statically/dynamically typed languages in programming used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Haskell, Scala, Java, type inference, JSON, automated unit testing, compilation, agile development, waterfall development, data structures, interfaces, method signatures, readability, Ruby, ease of writing, execution speed, acceleration, C, C++, Pyhton