プログラミング言語:Programming Language


Reference books on Clojure (general)

Reference books on Clojure (microservices, reactive programming, etc.) for building artificial intelligence and machine learning to be used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

Reference books on machine learning in Clojure

An introduction to machine learning books with Clojure used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Introduction to programming in the Python language (1) What is programming?

Basic mechanism and history of progming and computers

Python and Machine Learning

Overview of Python, a programming language used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning

Speech Recognition Technology

Application of deep learning and other machine learning techniques to speech signal processing for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

R language and Machine Learning

Overview of the R language as a general-purpose tool for machine learning
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Linux Overview

History and overview of Linux OS, various distributions, CentOS, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, Debian

one hot vector and category vector with Clojure

Implementation of one-hot-vector and category-vector in Clojure for machine learning applications in natural language processing

Clojure stopword removal

The following are examples of implementations of the stop word processing used in the cleansing process of natural language processing in Clojure and pyhton.

Sorting (rearranging) data

As an introduction to data sorting, which is the basis of algorithms for the education of beginners, bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort, selection sort, and heap sort were explained. Sorting in Clojure was explained.