

Overview of Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning and examples of algorithms and implementations

  Overview of Drift-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning...

Overview of Bayesian Neural Networks and Examples of Algorithms and Implementations

Bayesian Neural Networks Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are architectures that integrate probabilistic el...

Overview of proposal networks and examples of algorithms and implementation

Proposal network overview A proposal network is a type of neural network used mainly in computer vision and i...

Bidirectional LSTM Overview, Algorithm and Implementation Examples

Overview of Bidirectional LSTM Bidirectional LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) is a type of recurrent neural n...

Overview of Feature-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning and examples of algorithms and implementations.

  Overview of Feature-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning Feature-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning (Feat...

Overview of the EdgeBoxes algorithm and examples of implementations.

EdgeBoxes algorithm. The EdgeBoxes algorithm is one of the candidate region suggestion methods for object det...

On Monitoring and Supporting Online Discussions Using Natural Language Processing

Monitoring and Supporting Online Discussions Using Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing...

Overview of TD learning and examples of algorithms and implementations.

  Overview of TD learning TD (Temporal Difference) learning is a type of Reinforcement Learning, a method for...

Overview of the Girvan-Newman Algorithm and Examples of Implementations

Overview of Girvan-Newman Algorithm The Girvan-Newman algorithm is an algorithm for detecting the communit...

Overview of Selective Search and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of Selective Search Selective Search is one of the candidate region suggestion methods for object de...