

Geometric approach to data

Geometric approaches to data utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (physics, quantum information, online prediction, Bregman divergence, Fisher information matrix, Bethe free energy function, the Gaussian graphical models, semi-positive definite programming problems, positive definite symmetric matrices, probability distributions, dual problems, topological, soft geometry, topology, quantum information geometry, Wasserstein geometry, Lupiner geometry, statistical geometry)

Topological handling of data using topological data analysis

Topological handling of data using topological data analysis utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks application to character recognition, application to clustering, R, TDA, barcode plots, persistent plots , python, scikit-tda, Death - Birth, analysis of noisy data, alpha complex, vitris-lips complex, check complex, topological data analysis, protein analysis, sensor data analysis, natural language processing, soft geometry, hard geometry, information geometry, Euclidean Spaces

Protected: Measures for Stochastic Bandid Problems Stochastic Matching Method and Thompson Extraction

Stochastic bandit problem measures utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Stochastic matching methods and Thompson extraction worst-case riglet minimization, problem-dependent riglet minimization, worst-case riglet upper bounds, problem-dependent riglet, worst-case riglet, and MOSS measures, sample averages, correction terms, UCB liglet upper bounds, adversarial bandit problems, Thompson extraction, Bernoulli distribution, UCB measures, stochastic matching methods, stochastic bandit, Bayesian statistics, KL-UCCB measures, softmax measures, Chernoff-Heffding inequality

Protected: Kernel functions as the basis of kernel methods in statistical mathematics theory.

Kernel functions (Gaussian kernels, polynomial kernels, linear kernels, kernel functions, regression functions, linear models, regression problems, discriminant problems) as the basis for kernel methods in statistical mathematics theory used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Basics of gradient method (linear search method, coordinate descent method, steepest descent method and error back propagation method)

Fundamentals of gradient methods utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (linear search, coordinate descent, steepest descent and error back propagation, stochastic optimization, multilayer perceptron, adaboost, boosting, Wolf condition, Zotendijk condition, Armijo condition, backtracking methods, Goldstein condition, strong Wolf condition)

Protected: Machine Learning with Bayesian Inference – Mixture Models, Data Generation Process and Posterior Distribution

Mixture models and data generation processes and posterior distributions (graphical models, Poisson distribution, Gaussian distribution, Dirichlet distribution, categorical distribution) in machine learning with Bayesian inference used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning

Protected: Large-scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark and MLlib

Large-scale machine learning with Apache Spark and MLlib for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (predictive value, RMSE, factor matrix, rank, latent features, neighborhoods, sum of squares error, Mahout, ALS, Scala RDD, alternating least squares, alternating least squares, stochastic gradient descent, persistence, caching, Flambo, Clojure, Java)

Protected: the application of neural networks to reinforcement learning(1) overview

Overview of the application of neural networks to reinforcement learning utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (Agent, Epsilon-Greedy method, Trainer, Observer, Logger, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, SGD, Adaptive Moment Estimation, Adam, Optimizer, Error Back Propagation Method, Backpropagation, Gradient, Activation Function Stochastic Gradient Descent, SGD, Adaptive Moment Estimation, Adam, Optimizer, Error Back Propagation, Backpropagation, Gradient, Activation Function, Batch Method, Value Function, Strategy)

Machine Learning by Ensemble Methods – Fundamentals and Algorithms Reading Notes

Fundamentals and algorithms in machine learning with ensemble methods used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks class unbalanced learning, cost-aware learning, active learning, semi-supervised learning, similarity-based methods, clustering ensemble methods, graph-based methods, festival label-based methods, transformation-based methods, clustering, optimization-based pruning, ensemble pruning, join methods, bagging, boosting

Protected: Information Geometry of Positive Definite Matrices (3)Calculation Procedure and Curvature

Procedures and curvature of computation of positive definite matrices as informative geometry utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks