

Protected: Introduction to Machine Learning with Bayesian Inference

An overview of machine learning with Bayesian inference, a probabilistic generative model.

Sequential Pattern Mining

Overview of data mining to find patterns in data delivered in sequence and introduction to the actual use of SPMF, an oven source

Protected: Support Vector Machines – Overview

Overview of SVMs (Support Vector Machines), the basis for various machine learning methods such as classification, regression, and unsupervised learning.

Protected: Mixed Unigram Model

Basics of topic models for classification of document data, compound unigram models and LDA for teaching beginners

Protected: Unigram Model

Basics of topic model for classification of document data for education of beginners, unigram model

Structures, Algorithms, and Functions

The meaning of words from the perspective of algebraic structures, formal logic and mathematical logic
Symbolic Logic

Basic technology for digital game AI (time-based recognition technology)

Overview of game AI for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology, time recognition technology, auto-planning, goal-oriented planning, time-scale hierarchy technology, chain-type planning.
Symbolic Logic

Digital game AI Technology(spatial recognition technology)

Game AI overview, spatial recognition technology, and knowledge representation for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.
Symbolic Logic

History of Digital Game AI (2)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, human-machine interaction, agents, C4, for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.

History of Digital Game AI(1)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, reflective AI, structural AI, finite state machines (FSM), genetic algorithms, neural networks for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.