

Overview of access control techniques and examples of algorithms and implementations

  Access Control Technology Access Control (Access Control) technology is a security technique used to control a...

Overview of data compression and examples of various algorithms and implementations

  Data Compression Data compression is the process of reducing the size of data in order to represent informatio...

Overview of data encryption and various algorithms and implementation examples

  Data Encryption Data encryption will be a technique for irreversibly transforming data and protecting it from ...
web技術:web technology

Overview of cloud computing and AWS and various implementation patterns

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a computing model that provides resources and services via the Inter...
web技術:web technology

Differences between Single Sign-On (SSO), SAML and OAuth

  Single sign-on (SSO) Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to seamlessly access multiple...

Use of ElasticStash for monitoring system operations, including microservices

Leveraging ElasticStash for system operations monitoring, including microservices leveraged for digital transformation artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Riemann, rollup, throttle structure, KafKa plugin, UTC, timbre LogStash, log4j, tools.logging, structured logging, common log formats, visualization features, dashboards, Kibana, pipeline, UDP, Collectd, RRD, stdin, stdout, ELK Stack, Elastic Stack Apache Kafka

Security in Microservices – APIs with Auth and Pedestal in Clojure

Security in microservices leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - APIs with Auth and Pedestal in Clojure Buddy, Buddy sign, JSON Web Tokens, JSON Web Signature, JSON Web Encryption
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Microservices and Efficient Application Development and Multi-Agent Systems

Microservices and efficient development and implementation in multi-agent systems and Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks

The Impact of Blockchain: A Disruptive Technology that is Overturning the Social Structure from Bitcoin, FinTech to IoT – Reading Notes

Mathematics  Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Algorithm  Digital Transformation Technolo...