深層学習:Deep Learning


Machine Learning Professional Series Sparsity-Based Machine Learning Reading Notes

Overview of sparse modeling used for regularization and other applications in machine learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Advanced online learning (4) Application to deep learning (AdaGrad, RMSprop, ADADELTA, vSGD)

Application to online learning in AdaGrad, RMSprop, and vSGD used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Advanced online learning (3) Application to deep learning (mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, momentum method, accelerated gradient method)

Improving computational efficiency by applying mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, momentum, and accelerated gradient methods to deep learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Machine Learning Professional Series “Reinforcement Learning” Reading Memo

A reference book on reinforcement learning to observe the current situation and determine what action to take, used in digital transformation ,artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Professional Series “Online Machine Learning” Reading Memo

Online learning reference books used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks such as sequential processing of large-scale data.

Protected: MCMC method for calculating stochastic integrals: Algorithms other than Metropolis method (HMC method)

Algorithm and C implementation of the Hybrid Monte Calro method applied to complex stochastic integral calculations for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Generative Deep Learning with Python and Keras (1) Text generation using LSTM

Text-generating DNN using LSTM with python/keras for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Protected: Advanced deep learning with Python and Keras (3) Model optimization methods

Optimizing networks for deep learning with python/keras for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Protected: Advanced deep learning with Python and Keras (2) Model monitoring using Keras callbacks and TensorBord

Monitoring of networks in deep learning process using pyton/keras for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (monitoring of models using Keras callbacks and TensorBord)

This is a good introduction to deep learning (Machine Learning Startup Series)Reading Notes

Overview of deep learning for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, including machine learning, gradient descent, regularization, error back propagation, self-encoders, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, Boltzmann machines, and reinforcement learning.