推論技術:inference Technology


LISP and Artificial Intelligence

About LISP, a functional language that eliminates the barrier between data and programs (program as data) used for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks

The Seasoned Schemer

A sequel to the textbook on functional languages with Schema, a derivative of LISP used for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

The Reasoned Schemer

Logic Programming with Schema, a Derivative of LISP Used for Artificial Intelligence (Tasks): An Overview of DSL:minikanren

The Little Schemer

A textbook on functional languages in Schema, a derivative of LISP used for AI tasks (recursion and anonymous functions, lambda functions, Y-combinators and a simple interpreter).

The Art of Prolog

A reference book on Prolog, a logic programming language with deep connections to artificial intelligence research and computational linguistics.
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: An Invitation to Spatial Epidemiology – What can we see from the map of intractable diseases?

Geographic information analysis for epidemiology using Poisson-Gamma model, CDT and scan statistic test for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.
推論技術:inference Technology

Concrete and Abstract – natural language sematics and explain

Concrete and abstract to consider the meaning of natural language and explainable machine learning that can be used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (1) Instance retrieval using BoVW

Instance recognition and image retrieval technology based on image recognition technology used in digital transformationand artificial intelligence
Symbolic Logic

Creating Logic, Part I: Beginning Logic Reading Notes

A textbook of logic for artificial intelligence and basic mathematics (from propositional logic to predicate logic, and then semantics and multi-valued logic, intuitionistic logic)
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Sensor Data & IOT Technologies

Overview of sensor information handling, which is a central element of IOT technologies used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.