推論技術:inference Technology

推論技術:inference Technology

Statistical Feature Extraction(PCA,LDA,PCS,CCA)

Statistical feature extraction (Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Whitening, Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), Partial Least Squares (PLS)) for robust local feature extraction in image recognition used in digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI).
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Local Features (3) About Various Descriptors(SIFT,SURF,BRIEF,BRISK,HGO,GIST)

Overview of local descriptors (SIFT descriptors, CNN, SURF descriptors, BRISK descriptors, HLAC descriptors, GIST descriptors) for local feature extraction, which is the first step in image recognition for use in digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Local Features (2) About Various Detectors(Edge, corner and blob detectors)

Overview of various detectors for local feature extraction in image recognition technology that can be used for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DX) (edge detector, corner detector, blob detector)
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Local features (1) Overview of local features and various filtering processes

Overview of local feature extraction techniques and various filtering techniques in image recognition technology
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Overview of Image Recognition (1) History and overview of image recognition technology

History and overview of image recognition technology used in AI and DX
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: What is MCMC (Overview)

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), a key tool in Bayesian inference for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks, digital transformation (DX), natural language processing, etc.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Bayesian Super Quick Learning (Basics of Bayesian Estimation and Hierarchical Bayesian Models)

The basics of Bayesian inference and hierarchical Bayesian models that can be used for various tasks, including state space models, hidden Markov models, Markov field models, and CAR models.

R language and Machine Learning

Overview of the R language as a general-purpose tool for machine learning
セマンテックウェブ技術:Semantic web Technology

Strategies in similarity matching methods (7) Improved alignment disambiguation

Alignment disambiguation for optimization of natural language simirality and ontology matching for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications
セマンテックウェブ技術:Semantic web Technology

Strategies in similarity matching methods (6) Alignment extraction approach

Optimization and alignment extraction for natural language simirality and ontology matching for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications