推論技術:inference Technology

web技術:web technology

Reasoning Web 2010Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Time series data analysis (3)Filtering of nonlinear and non-Gaussian state space models (e.g. particle filter)

Filtering and smoothing of nonlinear and non-Gaussian state-space models using particle filters in the analysis of time-series data with state-space models for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks
web技術:web technology

Reasoning Web 2009 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Differences between hidden Markov models and state-space models and parameter estimation for state-space models

Differences between state-space models, Bayesian models, and hidden Markov models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, and parameter estimation for state-space models
Symbolic Logic

Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web 1

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
web技術:web technology

Reasoning Web 2008 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...

Protected: Structural Regularization Learning with Submodular Optimization (3)Formulation of the structural regularization problem with submodular optimization

Application of submodular function optimization, an optimization method for discrete information, to structural regularization problems and formulations using submodular optimization (linear approximation and steepest effect methods, accelerated proximity gradient method, FISTA, parametric submodular minimization, and splitting algorithms)
Symbolic Logic

Knowledge Graphs and Big Data Processing

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
Symbolic Logic

Reasoning Web 2007 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Maximum Flow and Graph Cut (4) Graphically Representable Submodular Functions

Maximum flow algorithms and pre-flow push methods in graphically representable submodular functions for submodular optimization, an optimization approach for discrete information utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks