

Board Games and AI “Why Alpha Go Could Beat Humans” Reading Notes

Introduction AlphaGo, a computer Go program developed by Google DeepMind, became the first computer Go prog...

Combination of simulation and machine learning and various implementation examples

About Simulation and Machine Learning Simulation involves modeling a real-world system or process and ex...
Symbolic Logic

Behavior Trees and their implementation in Unity

Overview of artificial intelligence technology used in game AI, etc., state management using behavior trees, difference from FSM
Symbolic Logic

Basic technology for digital game AI (time-based recognition technology)

Overview of game AI for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology, time recognition technology, auto-planning, goal-oriented planning, time-scale hierarchy technology, chain-type planning.
Symbolic Logic

Digital game AI Technology(spatial recognition technology)

Game AI overview, spatial recognition technology, and knowledge representation for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.
Symbolic Logic

History of Digital Game AI (2)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, human-machine interaction, agents, C4, for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.

History of Digital Game AI(1)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, reflective AI, structural AI, finite state machines (FSM), genetic algorithms, neural networks for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.