
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Matrix Decomposition -Extraction of relational features between two objects

Extraction of relationships by machine learning, matrix factorization approach, non-negative matrix factorization
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Clustering Techniques for Asymmetric Relational Data – Probabilistic Block Model and Infinite Relational Model

Machine Learning Extraction of Relationships, Probabilistic Block Model and Infinite Relation Model

Protected: Clustering of symmetric relational data – Spectral clustering

Extraction of relationships, knowledge extraction and prediction, spectral clustering by machine learning for graph analysis, etc.

Protected: Variational Bayesian Learning Introduction

Fundamentals of Variational Methods for Optimizing Bayesian Estimation in Machine Learning

Protected: Online Machine Learning Overview

Basics of online learning for sequential learning from a small number of supervised data

Protected: Bayesian Deep Learning – Introduction

Overview of Bayesian deep models, an evolution of deep learning and probabilistic generative models.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Graphical Model Overview and Bayesian Network

Graphical model overview for efficient approach to stochastic generative models, Bayesian networks
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Graphical Models Overview and Markov Probability Fields

Graphical model overview for efficient approach to stochastic generative models, Markov stochastic processes
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: An overview of the expert integration problem in online forecasting and its implementation in Regret

Overview of online predictive learning for solving sequential prediction problems, introduction to Regret

Protected: Continuous Optimization in Machine Learning – Overview

Explanation of the mathematical theory underlying optimization algorithms for machine learning.