

Protected: Mixed Unigram Model

Basics of topic models for classification of document data, compound unigram models and LDA for teaching beginners

Protected: Unigram Model

Basics of topic model for classification of document data for education of beginners, unigram model
人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

What is meaning (1)

Artificial Intelligence (Robots) and the Meaning of Words from a Philosophical Perspective, Semantic and Formal Approaches

Structures, Algorithms, and Functions

The meaning of words from the perspective of algebraic structures, formal logic and mathematical logic

Protected: Proof of Indeterminacy

Algorithms for identifying the limits of algorithms, proving undecidability, and problems that cannot be computed.
数理論理学:Mathematical logic

Formal Languages and Mathematical Logics

Overview of formal linguistics and semantics as a basis for programming languages and natural language processing
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Bayesian Estimation and Information Theory

Bayesian estimation and information theory for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), from de Moivre's probability theory to Bayesian probability and Shannon's information engineering and tools for Bayesian estimation (STAN)
機械学習:Machine Learning

Integration of probability and logic (1) Bayesian Net, KBMC, PRM and SRL

Integration of probability and logic, automatic generation of Bayesian nets using knowledge base (KBMC), prolog, backward reasoning

Fundamentals of Computer Mathematics

Overview of computer mathematics as a basis for artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, functions, sets, probability, simultaneous equations, differentiation, and integration.

The difference between causation and correlation

Consideration of causality and correlation as the basis for models of artificial intelligence and machine learning