幾何学:Geometry Fundamentals of Computer Mathematics Overview of computer mathematics as a basis for artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, functions, sets, probability, simultaneous equations, differentiation, and integration. 2021.03.17 幾何学:Geometry微分積分:Calculus数理論理学:Mathematical logic最適化:Optimization機械学習:Machine Learning確率・統計:Probability and Statistics線形代数:Linear Algebra集合論:Set theory
哲学:philosophy On “thinking” Introduction to Philosophy, On Thinking 2021.03.17 哲学:philosophy組織活性化:revitalize an organization課題解決:Problem solving
哲学:philosophy The difference between causation and correlation Consideration of causality and correlation as the basis for models of artificial intelligence and machine learning 2021.03.17 哲学:philosophy数学:Mathematics機械学習:Machine Learning
中国古典:classics Veganism and Learning from the classics, leadership theory and the art of getting by with the vegan tales and grunts 2021.03.17 中国古典:classics組織活性化:revitalize an organization課題解決:Problem solving
哲学:philosophy Causality, Zen, and Philosophy The Zen way of thinking about cause and effect, and the philosophy of life tips 2021.03.17 哲学:philosophy禅:Zen
心理学:psychology Communication The nature of communication through psychological interpretation of Ende's MOMO 2021.03.17 心理学:psychology組織活性化:revitalize an organization課題解決:Problem solving
禅:Zen Problem solution Overview of PDCA for digital transformation (DX), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) problem setting and problem solving 2021.03.17 禅:Zen課題解決:Problem solving