

Protected: Living Like Water: The Idea of Lao Tzu’s Thought The World of Being, Nothingness, and Infinity

Living Like Water: The Idea of Lao Tzu's Thought The World of With, Without, and Infinite (Taishang Laojun, Moral Tianzun, Taoism, Confucianism, Confucius, Governing Theory, Rei, Dao, Self-improvement, Class System, Status System, Feudal System, Antithesis, Jin, Yi, Morality, Book of Seclusion, Seclusion for the Weak, Passive Living, Do Nothing, Yin Yang Qi, Virtue, All Things Generated)
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (11) Model-Independent Interpretation (Permutation Feature Importance)

Permutation Feature Importance is one of the posterior interpretation models that can be used to explain digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).

Protected: Applying Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning Deep Q-Network Applying Deep Learning to Value Assessment

Application of Neural Networks to Reinforcement Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Deep Q-Network Prioritized Replay, Multi-step applying deep learning to value assessment Deep Q-Network applying deep learning to value assessment (Prioritized Replay, Multi-step Learning, Distibutional RL, Noisy Nets, Double DQN, Dueling Network, Rainbow, GPU, Epsilon-Greedy method, Optimizer, Reward Clipping, Fixed Target Q-Network, Experience Replay, Average Experience Replay, Mean Square Error, Mean Squared Error, TD Error, PyGame Learning Enviroment, PLE, OpenAI Gym, CNN

Protected: Network analysis in GraphX Pregel using Clojure

Network analysis in GraphX Pregel using Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (label propagation, twitter data, community analysis, graph structure analysis, community size, community detection, algorithms, maximum connected components, triangle counting, glittering, Google, Koenigsberg bridge, Euler path)