グルメ History of cider and Mitsuya History of cider and Mitsuya When I was a child, I played outside as much as I could and came home exhausted, ... 2024.06.30 グルメ旅歴史
アート:Art Isamu Noguchi and his work Isamu Noguchi Isamu Noguchi (1904 - 1988) was a Japanese-American sculptor, designer and stage artist widely rec... 2024.06.29 アート:Art旅紀行
python Overview of Temporal Difference Error (TD error) and related algorithms and implementation examples. Overview of Temporal Difference Error (TD Error) Temporal Difference Error (TD Error) is a concept used in ... 2024.06.28 pythonアルゴリズム:Algorithms最適化:Optimization機械学習:Machine Learning
アルゴリズム:Algorithms Overview of MODA (MOdule Detection in Dynamic Networks Algorithm) and Examples of Implementation MODA (MOdule Detection in Dynamic Networks Algorithm) MODA is an algorithm for detecting modules (groups o... 2024.06.27 アルゴリズム:Algorithms機械学習:Machine Learning
python Overview of anchor boxes in object detection and related algorithms and implementation examples. Overview of anchor boxes in object detection Anchor boxes in object detection is a concept widely used in con... 2024.06.26 pythonアルゴリズム:Algorithms機械学習:Machine Learning深層学習:Deep Learning画像認識技術
python Overview of GNMT (Google Neural Machine Translation) and examples of algorithms and implementations. Overview of GNMT(Google Neural Machine Translation) GNMT (Google Neural Machine Translation) is a neural m... 2024.06.25 pythonアルゴリズム:Algorithms機械学習:Machine Learning深層学習:Deep Learning
python Overview of Tensor Train Decomposition and examples of algorithms and implementations. Overview of Tensor Train Decomposition Tensor Train Decomposition (TT decomposition) is one of the methods for... 2024.06.24 python最適化:Optimization機械学習:Machine Learning線形代数:Linear Algebra
グルメ Udon and Soba Udon "On the Road to Bin, China" mentions that one of the Chinese characters imported from China along with Zen w... 2024.06.23 グルメ紀行
哲学:philosophy Alan’s theory of happiness and Zen awareness Alan's Theory of Happiness 'Alain' is the pen name of the French philosopher Emile-Auguste Chartier (1868 - 195... 2024.06.22 哲学:philosophy禅:Zen読書
python Actor-Critic Overview, Algorithm and Implementation Examples Overview of Actor-Critic Actor-Critic is an approach to reinforcement learning that combines policies (poli... 2024.06.21 pythonアルゴリズム:Algorithms強化学習機械学習:Machine Learning深層学習:Deep Learning